Let the Optimistic Outlook of the Psalmist Inspire You Today

A big view of God is a cure for so many of the things in life that would stand in our way or slow us down. When we really grasp the heights of who He is, and the depths of His heart for us, and the strength of His power in us, we can live a whole different kind of life. The way we view God will radically affect how our lives operate. Do we really get the fact that His grace is so strong it can cover all of our faults and weaknesses? Have we faced up to the fact that He is strong and wise enough to see us around, or through, even the most difficult of obstacles?

There must be nothing in our hearts, minds or lives that overshadows the truth of who God is. We must see and believe Him as big enough, kind enough, real enough and strong enough to move in power in our everyday lives – no matter what we’re facing. The fist step for a worshipper is to confidently get to grips with just how magnificent and mighty He is. The next step is to let that confidence in God seep into the very depths of our hearts and minds, forming a holy confidence on the inside of us. When that truly happens, we will dream bigger dreams and live brighter lives.

Psalm 18 contain the heart-flow of an optimistic, bright thinking worshipper. He approaches life with a great big view of who he can be, and he can do, in God:

For by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall. Psalm 18:29

He makes my feet like the feet of deer, And sets me on my high places. Psalm 18:33

Let the optimistic outlook of the psalmist inspire you today. Let it become your motto “He enables me to stand upon the heights.”